Give a Little, Change a Lot

You can make a difference


Our call to serve

Local and state bar associations, as well as courts at the local, state, and federal level all encourage attorneys to provide pro bono legal services to fulfill their professional obligation to society. The Rules of Professional Conduct give guidance about how to meet this responsibility, which includes offering tax-deductible financial donations, volunteering time & talents, or providing legal assistance to organizations like Liberty Legal Aid, that are established to help those in need with little or no income.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt corporation, Liberty Legal Aid is a recognized charitable entity whose primary purpose is to execute a legal aid program that betters the lives of low income and underserved members in our communities. 

How you can help

If you would like to assist Liberty Legal Aid deliver on its mission to provide quality legal representation to those in need, please consider helping in the following ways:


To help Liberty Legal Aid with your time and expertise, please fill out the form below and detail your availability, areas of interest/ proficiency and tell us about your WHY (why you want to help).


Liberty Legal Aid delivers on the promise of promoting justice and access to the courts for low-income people, by providing pro bono and significantly discounted legal services. Our success and ability to reach those in need depends on the generosity of law firms, corporations, foundations, and individuals.  

We welcome donations large and small to help support our annual charitable fund, to host community outreach events for the underserved, and to promote special campaigns that empower the most vulnerable members of society. 

If you are in a position to direct a cy pres award, we invite you to designate Liberty Legal Aid as a cy pres recipient. 

If you are interested in financially supporting Liberty Legal Aid, please use the “Donate To LLA” link below to make a one time or recurring tax exempt donation.

Liberty Legal Aid is an independent tax-exempt nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax is ID 87-2215292.  Liberty Legal Aid does not receive support from the federally funded Legal Services Corp., known as LSC.  You may send correspondence to Liberty Legal Aid, at PO Box 12031, Tempe, AZ 85284, call us at (800) 352-1678, or email us at

At whatever level you’re comfortable, we appreciate your generosity and look forward to working together to help those in need.